
David Yu

Problem solver and software engineer. I write about software development, productivity, and life.

Cover Image for How to fix Airplane Ear

How to fix Airplane Ear

Take pseudoephedrine (not phenylephrine doesn't work) - ears will start clicking and eventually popping multiple times throughout the day

David Yu
David Yu

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Cover Image for Look into database providers

Look into database providers

Excel powers businesses, databases power software, technically everything is just a giant table. Arguably the most important part of your service is the data, it is what makes it unique. The code can easily be copied, replaced, deleted but you can't do that with data. The greatest disaster for any company's IT team would be data loss not when their services go down

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Software rituals

Software rituals

Rituals are regular meetings held by the team, usually run by engineers but most of them can be run by anyone. They are best kept short and focused with a small group of people no greater than 5 because we want maximum participation. There is a fine balance between being professional and spending too much time in meetings. I find most participants dread meetings and find it a chore because it requires effort.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for What it is like to work in big tech

What it is like to work in big tech

Are programmers different in big tech? This was a question I always wondered before I joined. I thought they must have something special to join because the interviews are so tough and they get paid so much more. After spending a lot of time from junior to senior principal engineers I can say there isn't a lot different. I wouldn't say they have substantially higher IQ or anything like that but I do observe two key differences

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Australian software company tier list

Australian software company tier list

This is purely educational to help people decide on their next job and an over simplification of reality, factors such as the roadmap, projects and team are far more important. If you care about what looks shiny on your resume and what you deserve to be paid then this might help.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for A life well lived - Warren Buffet

A life well lived - Warren Buffet

The Snowball is a book written by Alice Schroeder who worked in the finance industry, it provides a candid and objective glimpse of Warren’s life chronologically from childhood until the 2008 financial crash. It uses the analogy of rolling a snowball for Warren as he goes through life, readers would initially assume the snowball refers to his net worth but it is much more than money and includes his relationships and experiences he acquired through life. The book is easy to read because it feels like you are right there throughout his life at all his major life events such as when his father became Congressmen, his marriage with Susie, when his father died and many more major events.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Look into React Website

Look into React Website

The #1 advice I always give to uni students is to code as much as you can. Try to find something you are passionate about and code it. I think that is the best way to get started in the software industry but at some point you will start to get curious and start reading the open source code you use every day and realise you don't know a whole lot. Don't feel bad it doesn't mean you are dumb, it just means there is a lot to software.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Free stuff for students

Free stuff for students

Being a student and a software developer is actually quite an attractive position for a lot of organizations so they offer you a lot of discounts and free stuff. Here is an on going list :+1:

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Should You Use Serverless?

Should You Use Serverless?

The term serverless does not mean there is no server rather there is just less server. AWS was the first provider to offer something like this with _lambda_ functions around 2015/2016. This service allowed developers to create an endpoint or api in their language of choice without a cumbersome backend framework.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for CFC Project Learnings

CFC Project Learnings

CFC project learnings for 2019

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Introduction to CFC projects

Introduction to CFC projects

Thank you for choosing to help out in one of our charity projects 💜. We love and appreciate the fact that you have volunteered your time for a great cause.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Weekly Learnings 23rd of May

Weekly Learnings 23rd of May

You can use `debugger` statement to breakpoint an application. Just open dev tools first then run the application and it will breakpoint on the `debugger` line. This is useful to inspect the state of the application.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Weekly Learnings May 17th

Weekly Learnings May 17th

You can use `debugger` statement to breakpoint an application. Just open dev tools first then run the application and it will breakpoint on the `debugger` line. This is useful to inspect the state of the application.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for GraphQL Hype

GraphQL Hype

Facebook initially developed GraphQL for internal consumption in 2012/2013 before publicly releasing it in 2015 and subsequently moved it to a foundation hosted by the non-profit Linux Foundation. Since then it has gained a lot of developer attention and many influential companies and people have used it in production.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for My software tools

My software tools

Here are a list of my favourite tools I will always download on my new computer. This is aimed at frontend development. ## Summary of Tools - **Get a Macbook** - **Homebrew** - **Zsh** - **VSCode** - **Gitkraken** - **Team communication software** - **Node (Through homebrew)** - **Yarn** - **Table Plus and Sequel Pro (optional)** - **Postman**

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Create a Mosaic in HTML and CSS

Create a Mosaic in HTML and CSS

Guide to making a mosaic in HTML and CSS

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Lessons Learnt & Looking at the future and past of CFC

Lessons Learnt & Looking at the future and past of CFC

The #1 advice I always give to uni students is to code as much as you can. Try to find something you are passionate about and code it. I think that is the best way to get started in the software industry but at some point you will start to get curious and start reading the open source code you use every day and realise you don't know a whole lot. Don't feel bad it doesn't mean you are dumb, it just means there is a lot to software.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for How to move your website to a new hosting provider

How to move your website to a new hosting provider

There will always come a time when you need to move your website or more likely your database to another hosting platform. For example you find a provider that offers a better deal or service. This is generally a dreaded experience because A) You are not a dev ops expert B) One wrong move and everything blows up. C) You can't Google your way out of it.

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Join the Next Billion Dollar Startup

Join the Next Billion Dollar Startup

Startup Canva pops off

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Break Down of Current Programming Landscape

Break Down of Current Programming Landscape

Current programming landscape as of 2018

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Understanding Events in Laravel

Understanding Events in Laravel

I have grown to like the Laravel framework very much even though I am not a fan of php. The reason why I like it so much is because it takes care of a lot of things that you would normally have to try implement yourself or use an unofficial library such as authentication, form validation, sending emails, pusher notifications, caching, oauth

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for The Most Popular Material Frameworks

The Most Popular Material Frameworks

Ever since the release of material design by google websites have been adopting it for its beautiful design and it’s ability to give a native and responsive feel regardless of the device and screen width. Visit the official site here https://material.io

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Setting up HTTPS on AWS

Setting up HTTPS on AWS

Most websites use the https protocol to serve all their traffic. This is to ensure that the data is encrypted so no unintended party can read any of the data that is being sent. This is important for privacy reasons as you wouldn't want anyone to be able to see what you are browsing on the internet and also security

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for Simple Common Laravel Mistakes

Simple Common Laravel Mistakes

Common mistakes for Laravel

David Yu
David Yu
Cover Image for  Best Practices for Express Apps

Best Practices for Express Apps

Production process manager that has a built in load balancer. Allows applications to be up forever with no downtime

David Yu
David Yu