Free stuff for students
David Yu
David Yu
Being a student and a software developer is actually quite an attractive position for a lot of organizations so they offer you a lot of discounts and free stuff. Here is an on going list :+1:
Github student
- aws educate and credit $150 worth
- bitnami $50 worth
- cart premium access
- Crowd flower access
- Datadog Pro account free
- DigitalOcean $50 credit
- Flatiron school free one month membership
- Github unlimited private repos
- Gitkraken free for one year
- Hackhands $25 credit
- Microsoft imagine
- Namecheap free ssl and free one year .me domain
- Sendgrid 15k/emails a month
- Stripe no transaction fees
- Taplytics unlimited access to the platform for 6 months
- Transifex free one year starter plan
- Travis CI private builds while you are a student
- Unreal engine
- All jetbrains IDE free